How do Chinese consumers act abroad?
In the past three decades, Chinese
consumers’ shopping habits have changed dramatically as incomes have risen and
new products and concepts have entered the China market. Consumer habits
continue to evolve today, and examining generations of consumers can reveal
certain shopping trends. Planet Retail has found that the older generation
generally maintains “traditional” spending habits, middle-aged Chinese
oscillate between tradition and new trends, and the younger generation is
becoming more Westernized and quality conscious.
Generally, Chinese consumers develop shopping habits in their youth and
keep these habits through adulthood. Though increased wealth can change some
preferences, such as beverage and snack food preferences, most Chinese
consumers’ habits are identified by their objective living conditions and
limited earnings. The current Chinese consumer population can be separated into
several groups with distinguishing characteristics.
to and from China has experienced in explosive growth. More and more tourists
know where to find China as adventurous and mysterious country to travel
around. Meanwhile, more Chinese people travel around the world.
However, the presence of Chinese people does not remain unnoticed
everywhere. They are noisy, spitting everywhere on the street, defecate and
urinate anywhere on the street. But not everyone is happy with the massive
arrival of the next generation world travellers. Chinese tourists have
different behavior than Dutch people.
They scream, throw everything on the ground, urging for and are rude.
Especially in cities like Amsterdam and Rotterdam are the complaints growing
about the Chinese tourists.